Questions at the door: Continuing with my detailed and technical questions and answers series, the next one on my list was a question involving my knowledge of the procurement policy for St. Clair Township.
Upon researching it on the St Clair Township Website, procurement procedures and policies are codified in By-Law 57 of 2017, with updates in By-Law 25 of 2018 and the Declaration of Intent to participate in Group Municipal Buying Programs in 2021.
A summary by method of the procurement process is below:
Table 1: Goods and Services
Thresholds | Type of Quotation | Source of Bids | Type of Contract | Reporting Status |
$0 to $10,000 | Three quotations where possible and practical Not opened in public | Purchases made from the competitive marketplace where possible and practical | Direct acquisition by authorized staff | No report to Council required |
$10,001 to $25,000 | Written quotations required | 3 written quotes to be obtained where possible | Direct acquisition with Director | Report to Council required for information |
Equipment & Vehicles $25,001 to $99,999 Services & Construction $25,001 to $50,000 | Written quotation acquired by Request For Quotation and/or Tender Opened in public | Advertised in local paper and/or trade or by written invitation basis | Purchase Requisition or Contract signed by the Director and authorized staff | Report to Council required for resolution |
Equipment & Vehicles >$99,999 Services & Construction >$50,001 | Use of eSolution | Use of eSolution | Executed Contract by the Mayor and Clerk | Report to Council required for resolution |
Table 2: Requests for Proposals (including Professional/Consuting Services)
Thresholds | Type of Quotation | Source of Bids | Type of Contract | Reporting Status |
under $25,000 | Written quotation required or eSolution | Purchases made from the competitive marketplace | Direct acquisition with Director approval | Report to Council required for information |
$25,001 to $50,000 | Written quotations or eSolution through Request For Proposal public | Advertised in local and/or trade paper | Executed Contract by the Mayor and Clerk | Report to Council required for resolution |
>$50,001 | Use of eSolution | Use of eSolution | Executed Contract by the Mayor and Clerk | Report to Council required for resolution |
Table 3: Expression of Interest or Request for Pre-qualification
Thresholds | Type of Quotation | Source of Bids | Type of Contract | Reporting Status |
$5,000 to $50,000 | Request for information only, followed by Invitation To Bid or Prequalified Tender. | Advertised in local and/or trade paper | No contract. Followed by further request | Report to Council required for resolution |
>$50,000 | Request for information only, followed by Invitation To Bid or Prequalified Tender. | Use of eSolution | No contract. Followed by further request | Report to Council required for resolution |
Exceptions to the standard processes above are limited to Sole Source Procurement, Emergency Procurement, Co-operative or Joint Ventures such as the Group Municipal Buying Program. The criteria for exceptions is listed in the By-Law under Schedule A.
Also, consideration has to be given to the Canada–European Union Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) and the Canada Free Trade Agreement (CFTA), each having different thresholds.
~Gary Martin~
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