Lunch and Learn: Nutrient Management

Lunch and Learn: Nutrient Management

Under the regulations of the Nutrient Management Act, 2002 (NMA), a farmer may be required to have one or more of three documents:

  • Nutrient Management Strategy (NMS)
    • Farms of > 5 nutrient units (NUs) that are constructing or expanding a livestock barn or manure storage facility.
  • Nutrient Management Plan (NMP)
    • Nutrient applications in farm fields, crop rotation, tillage, projected yields and other management approaches
  • Non-Agricultural Source Material (NASM) Plan
    • Similar to an NMP but also covers nutrients from off-farm sources

Certification Required:

Who:Certificate Required:
Consultants / PreparersAgricultural Operation Strategy Certificate or Plan Development Certificate (AOSPD)
Farmers who will write their own NMS or NMPAgricultural Operation Planning Certificate (AOP)
Plan Preparers for NASMNASM Plan Development Certificate
BrokersBroker certificate
Owners/managers of nutrient application businessPrescribed Materials Application Business Licence (PMAB)
Technicians who apply nutrientsNutrient Application Technician Licence

Nutrient Management Courses:

AgriSuite can also be used to help farmers write their plans

  • Crop Nutrient calculator to determine crop needs and nutrient removal
  • the Organic Amendment calculator to determine available nutrients from a manure application
  • the Fertilizer calculator to determine inorganic fertilizer applied or blends to meet crop requirements
  • the Phosphorus Loss Assessment Tool for Ontario (PLATO) to compare management practices for estimating phosphorus loss from individual fields

AgriSuite Training Video Playlist:


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