The following biography and photo appear on the Blackburn News / Sarnia News Today.
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My name is Gary Martin and I’m running for Council in Ward 2 of St. Clair Township. I was raised and live in St. Clair Township near Becher where I operate a field crop farm, continuing the family business.
I’ve been following council online for a while now and it is a good thing to have experience in land use planning as well as experience in budgeting and governance.
I’ve been on the Lambton Federation of Agriculture since 2015 and president since 2020 (my term is up at the end of the year). I was also a Director for the Sydenham District Hospital with the CKHA from 2009 to 2015, & vice-chair of the CKHA finance committee in 2015. I’m also a Public representative on the Thames and Sydenham Region Source Protection (drinking water) Committee, since 2018.
When I was younger, I got my Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Economics from the University of Guelph, and then became a Chartered Professional Accountant. I did that for eighteen years before retiring early when my father passed away, so I could take over the farm.
During the winter of 2022, I wrote and taught Canadian Agricultural Law at Lambton College, which focused on land use planning and other topics that touched on municipal responsibilities, and how the different levels of governments work together.
Over the past years I’ve been fortunate enough to work with local organizations and I began to think about all the meetings and committees I’ve chaired and participated with, and how they’ve contributed to economic development and betterment of the community and local businesses.
I decided to run for Council as this is my home and I want to see it prosper, and I’d like to continue to help.
I’ve been getting detailed and technical questions at the doors while canvassing, and I am posting detailed and technical answers on my website when I get a chance. I write about my experiences on the campaign trail and more at
Check it out to read further about my values and my background and experience, as well as links to my social media.
I would appreciate your vote — and I will work hard for St. Clair Township.
Thank-You, Gary Martin
Source: Blackburn News MyNewsToday
About the author