2020 United Way Campaign

2020 United Way Campaign

United Way campaign nears 40% of objective.

United Way of Sarnia-Lambton has now reached over $725,000 as it nears the 40 per cent level of the 2020 needs target of $1,900,000.

“We continue to see some good results in this year’s drive so far even though we remain behind last year’s pace,” said campaign chair Vicky Ducharme. “I am most impressed with the fact that we are picking up new donors at work sites, through the mail, and even through our online giving portal.”

Ducharme pointed to the Lambton Federation of Agriculture as an example of great news.

“Each year, the (federation) sponsors our Locally Lambton Dinner,” she said. “This year, we are unable to hold the event and auction, so the (federation) stepped up to double their previous year’s support for this year’s drive. We are so grateful for that kind of support.”

LFA Board President, Gary Martin met with United Way volunteer Vice Presdent, Al McChesney this week to present a cheque for $1000.

Ducharme said they are continuing to see great support from the agricultural community overall with an increase in personal contributions from local farms, but also several local farmers are donating food items for the recently announced shepherd’s pie and lasagna takeout event with the Dante Club.

“The Lambton Cattlemen’s Association is donating all the ground beef for the dinners, and Earth Fresh Farms in Grand Bend is donated the potatoes for the meals as well,” Ducharme said. “A number of local grocery stores have pitched in, including Bright’s Grove Foodland and Metro in Sarnia.”

The United Way has partnered with the Dante Club to offer a deep-dish shepherd’s pie and deep-dish lasagna in two sizes and will be available for pick up on Friday, Nov. 20, from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m.

Details on prices are being worked out and will be announced shortly. The meals are provided frozen so they can be stored immediately in the freezer or reheated that night.

To order your meals, or for more information, please call the United Way at 519-336-5452, or email jessica@theunitedway.on.ca.

If individuals cannot pick up their meals on Nov. 20, alternate arrangements can easily be made.

“We are hoping people like the meals so much, they will call us back to see if we still have some in stock, and they can buy additional meals for their freezer for use over the upcoming holidays.” she said. “With the meals being frozen, there is no waste, and we are guaranteed to sell out.”

In addition to the donations from the agriculture community, Ducharme said Libro Credit Union, with three locations in Sarnia and Lambton County, is sponsoring the event as they have for the past several years for the Locally Lambton Dinner.

On The Dot Delivery service is having a bottle drive for the United Way. If you have any beer or liquor bottles or cans, you can call to have them picked up on Saturday, Nov. 15, or can drop them off at the parking lot of Christos on Exmouth Street and Colborne Road.

You also have the option to have a delivery driver to pick up the bottles anytime beginning Monday up to Saturday, Nov. 14 from porches, open garages, whatever is arranged between the donor and On the Dot Delivery.

To have bottles picked up, please call 519-383-5566 or the United Way.

The United Way of Sarnia-Lambton campaign will run until the end of the year and funds over 36 programs and services. To donate, call 519 336-5452 or log on to www.theunitedway.on.ca.

~Dave Brown~
The Sarnia Observer


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